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This Month's Topic: Work-Life Balance

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Hello from the Coaching Team!   Work-Life Balance - What is it?
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7 habits of people who have achieved work-life balance   Coach Introduction:
Peter Hoffmann
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Hello from the Coaching Team
Dear Students,

We hope you had a pleasant summer break. To those of you who are new at EBS, a warm welcome from the coaching team! Once a month, we are going to send you a little bit of something in form of this newsletter that will help you reflect on your ways of thinking and motivate you to reach greater goals. Just in time for the start of a new semester, we advise you to watch Tim Urban's TED speech (click here). Those of you who have been with us since the beginning, might know this video from our very first newsletter.

As business students you will often run into the term Work-Life Balance. Thus, this month's newsletter will shed a bit of light on this term.

In our Video of the Month, you will learn what the general idea of work-life balance is, and why it is not excelling everywhere that matters. In our Article of the Month, we are going to take a look at similarities in behaviour of people that claim to have achieved perfect work-life balance.

We are also happy to present to you our coach, Peter Hoffmann, an entrepreneur who will gladly help you to enable your unique strengths through coaching.

In these newsletters, we publish content or info that we occasionally run into that we find inspiring, but actual coaching sessions can do so much more! Visit the coaching area on MyEBS to select a coach and book an appointment, or contact us. We’ll be happy to hear from you!

Warm regards,
Your Coaching Team
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Video of the Month: Work-Life Balance - What is it?
The idea of achieving work-life balance is a beautiful dream; it's also quite impossible, as we should realise without bitterness or frustration. This very short video explains how work-life balance is not to be perceived. However, balance through prioritization is possible.   Picture could not be loaded
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7 habits of people who have achieved work-life balance
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According to Harvey Deutschendorf, an emotional intelligence expert, author and speaker, for many, achieving any type of work-life balance seems like a myth, “especially when technology has made us accessible around the clock.” 70% of American workers struggle to structure their work-life system in a satisfactory way. In his career, Harvey has met many inspiring personalities that claimed to have achieved perfect work-life balance and were happy with their lives. These are the 7 habits they all had in common:

1. They make deliberate choices about what they want in life.

People that claim to have achieved work-life balance have control over what happens in their lives. Surprises are addressed as quickly as possible. “They talk to their partners, spouses, and others who are important in their lives, and come up with a road map of what is important to them, how they want to spend their time, and commit to following their path.”

2. They regularly communicate about what’s working and what isn’t.

Having a lean approach in life, significantly improves one’s control. This means continuously receiving and acting on feedback from people that matter, be it your family, co-workers or clients. Talking to people about what is working and what is not, significantly decreases the chance to suddenly find oneself in a situation one did not want to be in due to drifting along.

3. They set aside time for family, friends and important interests.

Another useful habit is to assign the same level of importance to your free time as to your work time. “They make a point of planning and booking time off to spend outside of work and powerfully guard this time. While emergencies happen and situations come up that need their attention at work on occasion, they strongly resist any intrusion on this time.”
  4. They set their own parameters around success.

Knowing oneself is very important to achieve true work-life balance. Knowing your values and what’s important to you, can be used as a guideline to determine what success is. When you know what truly makes you happy, you can strive to get more of that in your life. You cannot achieve work-life balance if you don’t truly love your job or feel like you are not with your perfect partner. Though, getting to know yourself is a completely different topic, once you are there, achieving balance is a lot easier.

5. They turn off distractions.

Remember Tim Urban’s TED speech about procrastination? People who maintain balance are able to focus well on their tasks, tend not to procrastinate, as they “realize that multitasking is a myth.” They rather take planned breaks than being interrupted. “Often they have discovered meditation, music, physical activity, or some other interest that allows them to get away from the pressures of everyday life to relax, rejuvenate, and regenerate themselves.” Breaks are important, but procrastination is your enemy.

6. They have goals aligned with pursuing their passion.

“Many people go through life and get caught up in situations and circumstances that end up controlling them. Those that achieve balance have a defined plan around time frames and are willing to make some sacrifices to get what they want in the end.” Entrepreneurs might choose to invest a lot of time in the beginning into processes that are not directly related to what they are passionate about. However, they see this as a sacrifice for having more time for their passions later. Seeing the big picture helps to stay productive.

7. They have developed a strong support network.

“People who have achieved good balance have a strong support network they can depend upon to help them get through difficult times.” They are curious and open. Getting to know new people is interesting and exciting. Always keep an eye out for how you may be able to help people succeed. Being genuinely interested in other people’s success will surround you with similar people that may become some of your best friends or partners.

Original article: https://www.fastcompany.com/3047825/7-habits-of-people-who-have-achieved-work-life-balance/
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Coach Introduction: Peter Hoffmann
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Peter Hoffmann is an entrepreneur who, from 2001 to 2009, founded and developed the CASH Betriebseinrichtungen GmbH as well as the UDO BÄR Betriebseinrichtungen GmbH & Co. KG, that were famous for the cash.de and udobaer.de services. In 2009, he founded the GEFRA Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG, building the shop system firmen-bedarf.de. In 2010, he successfully exited from all three companies through M&A. Since 2011, he is executive partner of the EARLY BIRD Marketing GmbH.

His career path has been everything but flawless, as he had to overcome various failures to eventually succeed.
  Thus, he considers making use of failures to turn them into opportunities as one of his greatest life challenges, next to all the other challenges that come with the uncertainties of being an entrepreneur.

Peter Hoffman enjoys working with people. One of his core strengths is his ability to remain neutral with regard to any topic, as he is genuinely interested in people’s unique life stories and helping them choose their career path and approach it the right way.

He is married and has three children. In his free time, Peter Hoffmann enjoys tennis, ski and his snowboard. He is also a passionate traveller, especially when it comes to discovering new hotels. His personal motto stems from Winston Churchill’s quote: “Never, never, never give up!”

Having experienced coaching as a very effective career boost himself, he is now offering coaching sessions at EBS in German. Contact us to book an appointment with him!
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Upcoming Coaching Sessions
Campus Oestrich-Winkel


27. & 28.09.2018

11. & 12.10.2018
  Campus Wiesbaden



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  Marie-Luise Retzmann
Director Coaching

+49 611 7102 1664
    Michael Hartmann
Coaching & Personal
+49 611 7102 1687
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  Sina Delia Gehrmann
Coordination Coaching &
+49 611 7102 1653
    Swantje Daniel
Coordination Coaching
+49 611 7102 1657
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EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 3
65189 Wiesbaden
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